Socially, economically and ... sartorially, the 1950s were a great time to be alive.

The 1950s just came after the WW2, meaning that the morale was high, and clothing choices reflected such willing to change. This era was celebratory, and clothing was a clear representation of this. The men's clothing of this era was clean-cut, traditional and conservative. Icons like Elvis Presley, James Dean and Marlon Brando paved the way for an aesthetic perpetually tattooed to our minds that reflected a playful era. The quintessential All-American fifties-style flourished, prompted from the excitement that the war was over and the stronger sense of patriotism. Aestheticism was not only represented in fashion changes but also in household appliances, motor vehicles and even children’s toys. This was a culture obsessed with visuals, and a sartorial celebration was how society enjoyed it.
From oversized shirts, bomber and leather jackets, loafers shoes and hairstyles the were some of the favourite fifties trends for men. Let's have a look!
